
Common terms explained.

For a quick reference to all of the terms you may see through this site (and then some), please check out the terms and definitions listed below.


Beastmen - A race of sentient humanoid animals, ranging from lizards to foxes and even fish!
Human - The most populous of the races, gifted in sword and sorcery.
Mazoku - Race of evil. More here.
Ryuzoku - Race of dragons. Golden and ancient are specific types. More here.
Shinzoku - Race of gods. The opposite of mazoku whom the ryuzoku follow.


Bodigar - Axe of light. Held by Armace's companions.
Galveira - Bow of light. The most powerful of the five weapons, hidden away by the ancient ryuzoku.
Gorun Nova - Sword of light. Used throughout Slayers by Gourry Gabriev.
Nezard - Trident of light. Held by Armace's companions.
Ragudo Mezegis - Lance of light. Held by Armace originally and later stolen by Valgarv.


Chaotic Blue - Unnamed mazoku lord of a third world, opposite to Blue Dragon.
Dark Star Dugradigdu - The reigning mazoku lord of Armace's world, opposite to Night Dragon Vorpheed.
Death Fog - Unnameed mazoku lord of a fourth world, opposite to White Dragon.
Ruby Eye Shabranigdu - The reigning mazoku lord of the Slayers world, opposite to Flare Dragon Ceipheed.


Blue Dragon - Unnamed shinzoku lord of a third world, opposite to Chaotic Blue.
Flare Dragon Ceipheed - The reigning shinzoku lord of the Slayers world.
Night Dragon Vorpheed - The reigning shinzoku lord of Armace's world.
White Dragon - Unnamed shinzoku lord of a fourth world, opposite to Death Fog.